The Formaldehyde story, revealed in the new book "TOXIC DECEPTION -- How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law, and Endangers Your Health", by Dan Fagin and Marianne Lavelle, two award-winning investigative reporters. Here's what REH writes about it (see ): ______________________________Start_Quote______________________________ The keystone of the formaldehyde strategy was to get new data that cast doubt on the CIIT study. Once there is doubt, the regulatory process slows to a crawl or stops entirely. And scientific doubt is relatively easy to create. In this case, the Formaldehyde Institute hired a small laboratory to conduct a new rat inhalation study. They limited the concentration of formaldehyde to 3 parts per million (ppm) whereas the CIIT study had used 15 ppm. EPA scientists said they believed even 15 ppm was too low, but the Formaldehyde Institute used 3 ppm and got what it wanted. In 1980, long before the 3 ppm study was completed, the Institute issued a press release saying, "A new study indicates there should be no chronic health effect from exposure to the level of formaldehyde normally encountered in the home." When the study was published three years later, it showed that, even at 3 ppm, rats suffered from "severe sinus problems" and had early signs of cancer in their cells. Furthermore, they had decreased body and liver weights --sure signs of ill effects. The Formaldehyde Institute did not issue a press release about these unwanted findings. The Formaldehyde Institute then entered into a contract with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to conduct a joint study of 26,000 workers exposed to formaldehyde. The study eventually showed a 30% increase in lung cancer deaths among workers exposed to formaldehyde, but the Institute put its own "spin" on the results and got the NCI to go along: the excess cancers may have been caused by something besides formaldehyde, the NCI concluded. (The study design made it impossible to rule out other causes.) Formaldehyde was thus seemingly exonerated. What was never revealed (until TOXIC DECEPTION told the story) was that the contract between the Formaldehyde Institute and NCI contained the following clauses: ** The Formaldehyde Institute, not NCI, would select which workers that would be studied; ** NCI researchers were denied access to the raw data: job histories, death certificates, information about plants, processes or exposures --in sum, the basic data needed to conduct and evaluate such a study. Thus NCI had no way to judge the accuracy or the reliability of the data being handed them by the Institute, and no way to check what assumptions and judgments had been made in gathering the data. Despite this, NCI helped the Institute explain away the 30% cancer increase that the study revealed. It was a clear demonstration of the raw power of the corporation over a federal agency's science. In 10,000s of individuals, urea-formaldehyde has caused flu-like symptoms, rashes, and neurological illnesses. In some people, it triggers multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), a life-long, debilitating sensitivity to many other chemicals, including fragrances and perfumes. In recent years, scientists have confirmed that formaldehyde causes rare nasal tumors in mice and in industrial workers exposed to high levels of formaldehyde gas. It is also linked to brain tumors in people exposed to it on the job (embalmers and anatomists). It is ranked as a "probable human carcinogen" in humans, and we are all widely exposed to it through cabinets, furniture, walls and flooring. _______________________________End_Quote_______________________________